Custom Re-Upholstery
Re-upholstering high-quality furniture requires a combination of design expertise and old-world craftsmanship. Let us help you with your project.
First we’ll help you assess the condition of your furniture. Supply us with photos and measurements.
Next comes the furn part! We’ll help you choose fabrics that will make your furniture look fantastic.
Unlike assembly line manufacturing, re-upholstery requires bench work and the skill of the upholsterer to cut the patterns in the fabric for your pieces. This attention to detail results in a finished product that will surprise and delight you for years to come!

Custom Re-Upholstery in San Francisco, CA
If you are trying to decide whether to purchase new pieces or refurbish your existing furniture, visit Noriega Furniture.We have been doing custom re-upholstery in San Francisco, CA for over 70 years. We’ll work with you to determine what the most cost effective solution might be while taking into consideration the age, quality and sentimental value of your furniture.
After assessing the condition of your furniture, it may make more sense to purchase new items. We feature a large selection of upholstery in San Francisco, CA that will become your new favorite place to sit and relax.
Whether new or refurbished, for upholstered furniture in San Francisco, CA, let us help you to make the right decision.